Monday, January 20, 2014

Vegas Cafe

Another cafe that serve western food to try..
Tonite dinner we decide to eat at Vegas cafe. a cafe that located at nagoya. 
when first time i look inside the cafe, wahh.. so small the seat is very near to another table.. feel dont like to enter this cafe.. but my bf said that still have a place to sit.. so i think, i already came here why not have a try.. Honestly, i don't like a resto/cafe that the seat is near to another customer. Feel like have no privacy. that u can hear what others talk and other can hear what u talk too.. 
oh ya, vegas cafe still have outdoor.. but we know that nowadays wind is very strong.. too cold to sit at outside and the windy will really bother you when start to enjoy your meal

so lets start, choose the menu.. not only western food serve here, vegas cafe also serve local food like ayam penyet and others
but today we feel like to eat western food. so this is our choice

Chicken Burger Steak
This burger serve on plate with some french fries and peanut.. inside the burger was chicken ham, slice tomato, cucumber and lettuce with mayo sauce - tomato & spicy ketchup..
Taste Nice.. Not much different from burger that sold outside like burger boy etc. 
About IDR 17.000

Hot Stone Chicken Steak
I ordered it, because i'm curious what different for chicken steak that serve ini hot stone and hot plate..
and there u can see.. chicken steak on hot stone, u grill the chicken meat by yourself.. hahaha .. quite fun.. and the meat is very juicy, soft and nice. i like the most is really hot.. Very delicious when u dip the meat in mushroom sauce and bite some salad..
But if u want to eat comfortable better choose hotplate one, that u can directly enjoy the steak..
About IDR 48.000, hotplat IDR 35.000
Before Cook

After cooked
Zuppa Soup
cream soup inside the pastry puff.. i think zuppa soup at pizza hut more delicious.. hahaha.. The cream soup just so so, and the pastry puff is very thick.. 
About IDR 15.000
For drinks we choose green summer that like apple juice & blue lagoon this one too sweet for me..

Overall, we satisfied with this dinner. we spend only about IDR 120.000.. very worth.. i will come back again to this cafe to try pasta and pizza.. but hope they expand their place and set the seat become more spacious

Komplek Batama Nusa Permai Blok. C No. 6 (Nagoya) 
Batam, Kepulauan Riau


This weekend, I am trying to make churros.. Find the recipe from there Just try and taste
and make some modification to this recipe.. Churros is easy and simple to make.
So here i share the recipe

125 ml air
125ml susu
110 grams butter
sejumput garam
1 sdm gula pasir 
150 grams tepung segitiga biru
3 butir telur
minyak makan untuk menggoreng
icing sugar untuk taburannya

Cara Membuat:
1.Campurkan air, susu, butter, gula dan garam di panci medium, didihkan. kecilkan api, masukkan tepung sekaligus, aduk menggunakan sendok kayu, sampai adonannya menyatu menjadi bola yang lembut.
2.dinginkan dahulu selama 5-8 menit, sampai adonannya hangat.
3.Masukkan telur satu persatu, aduk menggunakan hand mixer atau bisa juga aduk manual sampai adonan menjadi lembut.
4.Masukkan adonan ke dalam pipping bag, gunakan cetakan semprit bintang.
5.Semprotkan adonan ke loyang yang telah ditaburi dengan tepung
6.Masukkan loyang berisi adonan ke dalam freezer, bekukan adonan selama 2 jam.
7.Lepaskan churros dari loyang dengan cara mencongkel salah satu ujung/sisinya dengan pisau.  
8.Siapkan wajan anti lengket, isi dengan minyak agak banyak dan panaskan. Pastikan minyak benar-benar panas. Goreng churros dengan api sedang hingga coklat keemasan

Gak nyangka adonannya churros nya amat sangat lengket, untuk menyendokin adonannya ke pipping bag cukup sulit karena lengket disana sini.Yaa.. must put more effort on this..
Lets Try it all ^^

Kedai Kopi Anambas Nagoya

Good Morning..

last saturday, as usually we have a breakfast together before go to work.
and today choice is breakfast at Kedai Kopi Anambas but at Nagoya, last time we have eat at Sei Panas
You can find the review here..

Not much different for their menu both at nagoya and sei panas. so i think maybe kedai kopi anambas is a franchise.. (we ask the cashier here, they said their boss is different with sei panas one - that why i think maybe is franchise.. hehehe)

okay, let start. the place is very spacious although it only one building (ruko). because not so crowd, we came at 7.30 a,m.. and we are the first customer for them and after we finished our breakfast still noone come, we ever came here last time at friday for the lunch time-still not so crowd too, only few people come here. quite big different if you compare with sei panas one. that very crowd..
I think, maybe still not so many people know that still have another kedai kopi anambas that serve mie tarempa at nagoya.

For today menu, we choose
Mie Tarempa Basah
you can see at the pic, that not basah (have soup one) but only a very less soup there, look more like fried one. For the taste is same for me.. same delicious but a lil bit salty.. >,<

Mie Sagu Basah

My bf choose this one.. he want to try another menu.. this is one was good.. very yummy, mie sagu is chewy and the soup was nice., Quite different with mie sagu we ever try at other place.. but i admit this one more delicious.. (Recomended to try)

For drink, of course Teh O in the morning.. Tea is good to drink with ur breakfast but dont put to many sugar. Can make u feel more fresh after consume this heavy breakfast

Seberang sambal ijo podomoro nagoya

Coffee Story Co


Udah lama banget gak update blog nih.. padahal uda ada beberapa tempat makan yang sudah dikunjungi, tetapi tetap sulit untuk memulai nulis review nya.. Hehehe

Ok, Tahun Baru 2014 ini kami dinner disalah satu cafe/bistro yang baru dibuka beberapa bulan di NH, sejak buka  memank belum sempat kesana untuk nyoba. so, pas tahun baru nih kita coba untuk dinner di coffe stroy ini..

Tempat duduk nya ada dibawah dan diatas, kami memilih yang diatas (lantai 2) sudut dan dekat jendela. Suasana cafe nya okey, cuman yang saya kurang suka, mungkin dikarenakan lokasi restoran yang tidak terlalu luas, posisi satu meja dengan meja yang lain cukup dekat sehingga rasa nya kurang  nyaman gitu..

Menu-menu disini western food ya.. mulai dari pasta, steak, etc. juga disediakan berbagai jenis appetizer dan dessert.

Untuk kali ini menu yang kami pesan
Sphagetti - tomato sauce - slice chicken
untuk pasta di cafe ini cukup unik, karena kita bisa memilih jenis pasta, saus dan ayam/seafood yang kita inginkan. Jadi kali ini saya milihnya spaghetti saus tomat dengan tambahan fillet ayam. Rasanya mantap!!! Setelah dari kemarin2 pengen makan pasta yang seperti saya liat di drama/movie akhirnya terwujud. Rasaanya seperti yang saya bayangkan dan inginkan.. Saus tomat nya terasa banget tapi gak terlalu asem. Saus yang diberikan juga banyak. Jadi puas banget makannya.. Recomend deh..

Chicken with tortila chips ( sorry, yang ini agak lupa namanya)
Potongan ayam kecil yang ditumis/di grill dengan bumbu dan paprika disajikan dengan tortila chip 3 lembar beserta minched avocado dan slice avocado. intinya ada ayam-tortila chip-alpukat gitu deh. Rasa nya lumayan enak sih..

Untuk minuman yang kita pesan ini, sorry lupa juga namanya..

Dan setelah makan, tentunya harus kita tutup dengan dessert donk.. and here,
Nutella Cheese Cake
Enak Banget kecuali lapisan cream cheese yang diatas nya.. >,< Gua gak gitu suka.. Tapi buat penggemar keju pasti cocok banget.. untuk lapisan bawah dan nutella cheese nya enak banget .. rasanya seperti makan es krim gitu,,,

* Buat yang bukan penggemar cheese, klo mo coba cheese cake mending pilih yang nutella / oreo cheese cake aja biar rasa cream cheese nya gak terlalu terasa..

Overall, for this dinner we only spend about IDR 150.000, Very acceptable.. and i still want come back to this cafe again. Still so many menu that i havent try. and put high expectation on it.

Komplek Nagoya Hill Superblock Blok J No.12 (Samping Indosat) 
Batam, 29432