Monday, October 26, 2015

Chiffon Pandan Lembut dan Tinggi

Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah post resep chiffon pandan ya diblog. Chiffon pandan ini memang kue favorit keluarga. jadinya sering dibuat untuk konsumsi dirumah.

Dan disini saya tampilkan resep berbeda untuk chiffon pandan, resep yang ini hasilnya lebih lembut dan tinggi tetap tidak menggunakan bahan kimia seperti baking powder atau pasta pandan tapi masih menggunakan cream of tar tar ya,  cream tar tar nya bisa saja diganti dengan perasan jeruk lemon atau jeruk nipis juga jika ingin benar-benar free dari tambahan bahan kimia.
orderan pandan chiffon
Kemarin juga sempat jualan chiffon pandan loh.

Kalau dibuat setengah resep saja, bisa menggunakan loyang chiffon ukuran 18cm ya jadinya seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Note: Kalau suka manis, gula pasirnya bole ditambah jadi total 200gr, di resep total 150gr saja.

Chiffon Pandan
7 kuning telur
60 gr gula halus
140 gr tepung terigu
4 sdm corn flour
100 ml minyak sayur
160 ml santan

7 putih telur
½ sdt cream of tar-tar
90 gr gula halus

Cara Membuat
1. Panaskan oven 170'C. Siapkan loyang chiffon ukuran 22cm
2. Kocok lepas kuning telur dan gula dengan menggunakan whisker saja, masukkan santan dan minyak sayur, aduk rata, kemudian masukkan ayakan tepung. aduk rata.
3. Kocok putih telur dan cream of tartar2 hingga setengah mengembang, masukkan gula kocok hingga stiff peak atau saat baskom dibalikkan adonan putih telur tidak tumpah.
4. Campurkan 1/3 adonan putih telur ke dalam adonan pasta, aduk perlahan dengan whisk hingga rata. kemudian masukkan sisa adonan putih telur ke adonan tadi aduk dengan teknik folding hingga rata, jangan terlalu lama mengaduk.
5. Tuang adonan tersebut ke dalam loyang chiffon dan panggang selama kurleb 60 menit hingga kue matang dan kokoh.
6. Keluarkan kue dari oven, kemudian langsung dibalikkan.

Pandan Chiffon Cake
7 egg yolk
30 gr castor sugar
140 gr flour
4 tbsp corn flour
100ml vegetable oil
160 ml coconut milk

7 egg whites
½ tsp cream of tar-tar
90 gr castor sugar

1. Preheated oven at 170'C, prepare 22 cm chiffon cake pan.
2. Beat lose the egg yolks and sugar with whisker. Add in vegie oil and coconut milk. Combine very well. Sift in flour, incorporate all ingredients well until you get a smooth batter.
3. Use an electric mixer to beat egg whites first for a while until bubbles form. Add cream of tartar. Add one third of the 90 grams of sugar at a time. Combine well between the adds, until stiff peaks form.
4. Fold in the egg whites into the batter. Add one third of egg whites at a time in order to easily incorporate the egg whites  then fold in the rest.
5. Transfer the batter into the cake mould that shouldn’t be non-stick or greased.
6. Bake in the preheated oven and bake for 60 minutes.
7. Remove from oven and immediately revert the cake mould upside down on a wire rack. Let it cool completely. Carefully remove from the cake mould.

Recipe adapted from anncoojournal

Chiffon Pisang

Nge-chiffon pisang lagi, masih dengan resep yang sama (klik disini) cuman untuk kali ini saya menuang cake nya menjadi 3 bagian, tiap 1/3 adonan dituang ke loyang, saya taburi dengan coklat bubuk. jadinya keliatan berlayer seperti dibawah ini keliatan menarik kan ya..
Selain itu tambahan taburan coklat di setiap layer ini juga menambah aroma, pisang dipadukan dengan coklat selalu cocok dan enak.
Untuk chiffon saya kali ini, sedikit underbaked kurang lama waktu ovennya sehingga masih keliatan sedikit lembab. Dikarenakan saya manggang nya kurang dari 1 jam, buru buru dikeluarkan dari oven sih, biar cepat dingin dan sempat motret sebelum gelap. Tapi kalo cake nya jadi awut-awutan karena underbaked, hasil foto jadi kurang memuaskan.. hiksss

Chiffon Pisang
80 gr tepung terigu
4 kuning telur
15 gr gula halus
35 gr minyak sayur
45 gr susu
1/8 sdt garam
80 gr pisang barangan tanpa kulit, blender halus

4 putih telur
40 gr gula halus
1/4 sdt cream of tartar
Coklat bubuk, untuk taburan

Cara Membuat
1. Panaskan oven 170'C. Siapkan loyang chiffon uk 22cm
2. Kocok sebentar kuning telur & gula dengan menggunakan whisker saja, masukkan pisang halus, minyak dan susu cair, aduk rata, kemudian masukkan ayakan tepung dan garam. aduk rata.
2. Kocok putih telur, garam dan cream tar tar sampai berbusa, masukkan gula pasir bertahap sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok dengan kecepatan rendah hingga stiff peak
4. Masukkan 1/3 bagian kocokan putih telur ke dalam adonan terigu. Aduk perlahan hingga rata. Masukkan lagi 1/3 bagian, lakukan hingga habis. Aduk hingga adonan menyatu dengan rata.
5. Tuang 1/3 adonan ke dalam loyang chiffon, taburi dengan coklat bubuk menggunakan ayakan, kemudian tuang lagi 1/3 adonan-ratakan dan taburi dengan coklat bubuk lagi kemudian tuang sisa adonan.
6. Panggang dalam oven hingga matang sekitar 60 menit. Keluarkan dari oven, segera balikkan loyang

Banana Topo map Chiffon Cake
80 gr cake flour
4 egg yolks
15 gr caster sugar
35 gr vegetable oil
45 gr milk
1/8 tsp salt
80 gr pisang barangan tanpa kulit, blender halus

4 egg whites
40 gm caster sugar
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
Cocoa powder, sifted in every layer
1. Preheat oven to 170'C. Prepare 18cm chiffon cake pan.
2. Mix the egg yolks with 14 grams of sugar until smooth. Add oil, milk and mashed bananas. Combine very well. Sift in cake flour, incorporate all ingredients well until you get a smooth batter.
3. Use an electric mixer to beat egg whites first for a while until bubbles form. Add cream of tartar. Add one third of the 40 grams of sugar at a time. Combine well between the adds, until stiff peaks form.
4. Fold in the egg whites into the batter. Add one third of egg whites at a time in order to easily incorporate the egg whites  then fold in the rest.
5. Transfer 1/3 of the batter into the cake mould, sift in cocoa powder then pour 1/3 of the batter and sift in cocoa powder and lastly pour the rest of the batter.
6. Bake in the preheated oven and bake for 55 to 60 minutes. Test it by an inserted needle coming out clean. 7. Remove from oven and immediately revert the cake mould upside down on a wire rack. Let it cool completely. Carefully remove from the cake mould.

Chiffon Gula Kelapa (Palm sugar Chiffon Cake)

aroma gula kelapa yang wangi dipadukan dengan santan membuat chiffon gula merah terasa spesial,
manis, gurih dan lembut tentunya berpadu menjadi satu.
Note: Gula halus boleh ditambahkan jika suka manis

Chiffon Gula Merah
4 kuning telur
80g gula kelapa atau gula aren, potong kecil-kecil
50 ml santan
2 sdm minyak sayur
70g tepung terigu
1/8 sdt baking powder
1/8 sdt garam

4 putih telur
40 gr gula halus
1/2 sdt cream tar tar
Cara Membuat
1. Panaskan oven 170'C. Siapkan loyang chiffon uk 18 cm
2. Larutkan gula kelapa dan santan di atas kompor. Jika sudah larut,angkat, saring dan dinginkan.
2. Kocok putih telur, garam dan cream tar tar sampai berbusa, masukkan gula pasir bertahap sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok dengan kecepatan rendah hingga stiff peak
3. Kocok lepas kuning telur dengan menggunakan whisker saja, masukkan lelehan gula kelapa dan santan, aduk rata, kemudian masukkan ayakan tepung\,BP dan garam. aduk rata.
4. Masukkan 1/3 bagian kocokan putih telur ke dalam adonan terigu. Aduk perlahan hingga rata. Masukkan lagi 1/3 bagian, lakukan hingga habis. Aduk hingga adonan menyatu dengan rata.
5. Tuang ke dalam loyang chiffon. Panggang dalam oven hingga matang sekitar 60 menit.
6. Keluarkan dari oven, segera balikkan loyang

Palm Sugar Chiffon Cake
4 egg yolks
80g palm sugar or coconut sugar
50 ml coconut milk
2 tbsp vegetable cooking oil
70g plain flour
1/8 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt

4 egg whites
40 gr castor sugar
1/8 tsp cream of tarta
1. Preheated oven at 170'C, prepare 18cm chiffon cake pan
2. In a small saucepan, melt the coconut sugar together with coconut milk over low heat till the sugar dissolves. Remove and sift into a bowl, leave to cool.
3. Beat lose the egg yolks with whisker. Add in melted coconut milk and sugar. Combine very well. Sift in flour,Baking powder and salt, incorporate all ingredients well until you get a smooth batter.
3. Use an electric mixer to beat egg whites first for a while until bubbles form. Add cream of tartar. Add one third of the 40 grams of sugar at a time. Combine well between the adds, until stiff peaks form.
4. Fold in the egg whites into the batter. Add one third of egg whites at a time in order to easily incorporate the egg whites  then fold in the rest.
5. Transfer the batter into the cake mould that shouldn’t be non-stick or greased.
6. Bake in the preheated oven and bake for 60 minutes.
7. Remove from oven and immediately revert the cake mould upside down on a wire rack. Let it cool completely. Carefully remove from the cake mould.

Recipe adapted from melspantrykitchen. Thanks For the great recipe 

Chocolate Chiffon cake

Cake chiffon bertekstur lembut dipadukan dengan aroma coklat yang harum
apalagi jika ditaburi dengan buttercream dan keju, wah ngecheese, nyoklat dan soft 
Jika ingin ditampilkan lebih elegan, bisa disiram dengan chocolate glaze

Chiffon Coklat

7 kuning telor
150 gram terigu
50 gram coklat bubuk
1 sdt baking powder
1/2 sdt soda kue
100 gr gula  halus
125 ml susu cair
100 ml minyak sayur

7 putih telur
100 gram gula halus
1/4 sdt garam
1/4 sdt cream tar tar

Cara Membuat
1. Panaskan oven 170'C. Siapkan loyang chiffon uk 22cm
2. Kocok sebentar kuning telur & gula dengan menggunakan whisker saja, masukkan minyak dan susu cair, aduk rata, kemudian masukkan ayakan tepung,coklat bubuk,BP dan BS. aduk rata.
3. Kocok putih telur, garam dan cream tar tar sampai berbusa, masukkan gula pasir bertahap sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok dengan kecepatan rendah hingga stiff peak
4. Masukkan 1/3 bagian kocokan putih telur ke dalam adonan terigu. Aduk perlahan hingga rata. Masukkan lagi 1/3 bagian, lakukan hingga habis. Aduk hingga adonan menyatu dengan rata.
5. Tuang ke dalam loyang chiffon. Panggang dalam oven hingga matang sekitar 60 menit.
6. Keluarkan dari oven, segera balikkan loyang

Chocolate Chiffon Cake
7 egg yolk
150 gr all purpose flour
50 gr cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
100 gr castor sugar
125 ml milk
100 ml vegetable oil
7 egg whites
100 gr castor sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cream tar tar

1. Preheat oven to 170'C. Use a small food processor to process the bananas into paste. Set aside.
2. Mix the egg yolks with sugar until smooth. Add oil and milk. Combine very well. Sift in flour,cocoa powder, BP and BS, incorporate all ingredients well until you get a smooth batter.
3. Use an electric mixer to beat egg whites first for a while until bubbles form. Add cream of tartar. Add one third of the 40 grams of sugar at a time. Combine well between the adds, until stiff peaks form.
4. Fold in the egg whites into the batter. Add one third of egg whites at a time in order to easily incorporate the egg whites  then fold in the rest.
5. Transfer the batter into the cake mould that shouldn’t be non-stick or greased.
6. Bake in the preheated oven and bake for 60 minutes.
7. Remove from oven and immediately revert the cake mould upside down on a wire rack. Let it cool completely. Carefully remove from the cake mould.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Puding Blackforest

Puding coklat yang creamy, lembut dan nyoklat banget
selalu jadi favorit apalagi ada puding busa nya. enak enak enakk..

Puding Blackforest
250 gram susu kental manis
700 ml air
2.5 sdm munjung gula pasir
1 bungkus agar-agar bubuk putih
20 gram coklat bubuk
40 gram dark cooking chocolate (diserut halus)
1 butir telur (pisahkan kuning & putihnya)
Cara Membuat:
1. Cairkan susu kental manis dengan air. Ambil 200 ml susu cair,sisihkan. Campur sisa susu cair dg 3/4 bks agar-agar, 1 sdm gula, coklat bubuk & coklat serut. Masak dengan api kecil sambil diaduk sampai coklat mencair dan adonan mendidih.
2. Ambil 1 sendok sayur adonan agar tuang kedalam kuning telur yg sdh dikocok lepas,aduk rata,masukkan kembali ke dlm adonan agar coklat, didihkan lagi sebentar, matikan api.
3. Tuang setengah adonan agar coklat kedalam cup2 puding,kurang lebih 1/3 dr tinggi cup. Biarkan agak dingin.
4. Campur 200ml susu cair yg telah kita sisihkan tadi dgn 1/4 bks agar-agar bubuk, 1.5 sdm gula, aduk rata,masak sampai mendidih. Matikan api, Sisihkan.
5. kocok putih telur hingga kaku. Lalu masukkan adonan agar sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok.
6. Tuang adonan busa diatas adonan agar coklat. Biarkan permukaannya agak keras.
7. Kemudian tuangi sisa setengah adonan tadi diatasnya. biarkan dingin & set di kulkas

Blackforest Pudding
250 gram sweet condensed milk
700 ml water
2.5 tbsp sugar
1 pack 7gr agar agar powder
20 gr cocoa powder
40 gr dark cooking chocolate, grated
1 large egg (separate white & yolk)
1. Combine sweet condensed milk with water. take 200 ml milk and set aside.
2. Combine the rest of milk with 3/4 pack of agar agar powder, 1 tbsp sugar, cocoa powder and grated chocolate. Cook in the saucepan until boiled
3. Take 1 big tbsp of boiled agar agar, mix in egg yolk. then pour into saucepan and continue to cook for awhile.
4. Pour half of the agar agar mixture iuto prepared pudding case about 1/3 full. let it set in the fridge
5. Mix 200 ml milk with the rest agar agar powder (1/4pack) with 1.5 tbsp sugar in the saucepan. let it boiled.
6. Beat egg white till stiff peak, pour in step 5 slowly and beat till well combine
7. Pour in step 6 to pudding cup and become layer 2, let it set for awhile in the fridge.
8 Pour the rest of agar agar mixture from step 4 and become layer 3. Chill in the refrigerator until set.

Vanilla Strawberry Ogura Cake

Ogura cake lagi, ogura merupakan jenis cottony cake yaitu cake yang dipanggang dengan metode waterbath sehingga menghasilkan tekstur kue yang sangat lembut, halus dan minim pori-pori nya.

Tetapi saya pribadi masih menggunakan metode steambath yaitu loyang berisi air ditaruh di rak di paling bawah kemudian loyang berisi cake ditaruh di rak diatasnya karena saya belum mempunyai loyang tanpa sambungan jadi untuk memastikan air tidak masuk ke loyang saya memutuskan menggunakan metode steambath dan hasilnya menurut saya tidak berbeda.

Menurut saya pribadi, ogura cake ini mirip sponge cake ya, harus diberi cream/ganache/rasa lain agar rasa nya lebih menarik. Untuk kali ini, saya coba buat rasa vanilla & strawbery, wangi sekali ya aromanya.

3 kuning telur
1 telur
50 g tepung terigu protein rendah
50 g susu
20g minyak sayur
20g mentega
3 putih telur
60g gula halus, bole ditambah bila suka manis
1/8 sdt cream of tartar

Cara membuat:
1. kocok 3 kuning telur, 1 butir telur dan susu dengan whisker
2. panaskan minyak dan butter hingga muncul gelembung2.angkat & masukkan tepung terigu aduk hingga rata
3. campurkan adonan telur dan susu ke adonan tepung aduk hingga rata, halus dan mengalir seperti pasta
4. kocok putih telur dan cream tar2 sampai stiff peak
5. masukkan putih telur ke adonan kuning telur, aduk balik sampai rata
6. bagi adonan menjadi 2 bagian, beri 1 bagian dgn 1/2sdt pasta strawberry dan 1 bagian lg dgn pasta vanilla 1/2sdt
7. tuang adonan vanilla ke loyang 10x22cm, ratakan kemudian tuang adonan strawberry di atas nya ratakan
8. panggang di suhu 170'C dengan steam bath selama 60 menit
9. Keluarkan dari oven, biarkan dingin selama 5 menit kemuidian keluarkan cake dari loyang

Vanilla Strawberry Ogura Cake
3 egg yolk
1 whole egg
50 gr cake flour
50 gr milk powder
20 gr vegetable oil
20 gr butter
3 egg whites
60 gr castor sugar, increase the amount if you like sweet
1/8 tsp cream of tar tar
1. whisk 3 egg yolk, 1 whole egg and milk with whisker
2. heat the oil and butter until almost boil (you can see some air bubble), remove from the stove and stir in flour until well combine
3. Mix egg batter to the flour batter, whisk until soft like a paste
4. Beat egg white and sugar until stiff peak
5. Fold in egg white batter to yolk batter, fold until well combine but don't overmix
6. Divide the batter into 2 portion. Put strawberry paste to one portion and vanilla essence the other one
7. Pour in vanilla batter into lined 10x24cm pan, smooth the top then pour in strawberry batter and smooth the surface.
8. Bake at preheated 170'C oven with steam bath method around 60 minutes
9. Remove from the oven and leave it cold down around 5 minuted then unmold from the pan.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Chocolate Cupcake with rose frosting

Chocolate cupcake
1 ¼ cup all purpose flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
½ tsp Baking Soda
½ cup cocoa powder
2 sdm milk powder
1 cup castor sugar
½ tsp salt
1 ¼ cup ice water
½ tsp vanila
½ tsp chocolate paste
½ cup vegetable oil
1 tsp lemon juice
1. Sift together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda. Put in sugar, salt and milk powder, combine well
2. Add in ice water, oil and chocolate paste, Whisk well with whisker
3. Pour in cupcake case about 90% full
4. Bake at preheated 170'C oven around 25 minutes, when skewer inserted come out cleaned.
For Rose frosting, use wilton nozle 1M, put buttercream on pipping bag and swirl from the middle of cupcake.
100 gr butter
70 ml sweet condensed milk
20 gr powdered whippy cream +30 ml cold water
1/8 tsp vanilla essence
Beat butter until soft and light, add in other ingredients and continue to mix until well combine, soft and light

Cupcake Coklat
1 ¼ cup tepung terigu
1 sdt Baking Powder
½ sdt Baking Soda
½ cup cokelat bubuk
2 sdm susu bubuk
1 cup gula
½ sdt garam
1 ¼ cup air es
½ sdt vanila
½ sdt pasta coklat
½ cup minyak / mentega cair
1 sdt jus lemon
Cara Membuat
1. Dalam wadah ayak terigu, coklat bubuk, BP dan BS. Tambahkan gula, garam dan susu bubuk aduk rata
2. Masukkan air es lalu minyak dan pasta. Aduk menggunak whisk asal rata
3. Tuang dalam cetakan cupcake. Panggang di oven selama 25 menit dengan suhu 170C
100 gr  mentega putih kualitas baik (merrywhip)
70 ml susu kental manis (1/5 kaleng)
20 gr whippycream bubuk + 30 ml air aduk rata
1/8 sdt vanilla essence
Cara Membuat 
Kocok mentega putih sampai mengembang dan lembut, masukkan susu kental manis - kocok rata kemudian masukkan whiipycream & vanilla esens dan kocok sampai ringan dan lembut.

* Gunakan Spuit Wilton 1M untuk frosting bentuk rose

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Black glutinous rice banana chocolate cake - Cake Pisang Ketan Hitam Coklat

I am kinda curious to black glutinous rice flour
what kind of cake texture the flour will create
so when i found some black glutinous rice flour in supermarket, i want tried using this flour to make cake asap

as i have some banana left at home, i decide to try this recipe.
This sandy texture created from black glutinous rice flour have been covered from the moist and dense texture from banana and sure taste chocolaty as well.
so i don't really taste the black glutinous rice flour, maybe i should try other recipe which black glutinous rice flour is the main star.

Black glutinous rice banana chocolate cake
200 gr margarine
80 gr castor sugar (original:125gr)
150 gr cavendish banana, mashed
4 large egg
75 gr cake flour
25 gr cocoa powder
100 gr black glutinous rice flour
1 tsp baking powder
1. Preheat oven at 180'C. grease 10x24cm baking pan with butter, and sprinkle with some cocoa powder
2. Sieve together cake flour, black glutinous rice flou, cocoa powder and BP. set aside
3. Beat margarine and 40 gr castor sugar until light. add the egg yolk one at the time alternately with half flour mixture. mix well
4. Add in the mashed banana, mix at lower speed until well combine and fold in the remain flour mixture
5. Beat egg white and 40 gr castor sugar untill stiff peaks. Fold in egg white to step 4 mixture until well combine
6. Pour the batter into greased pan, sprinkle some sliced almond if you want and baked for 40 minutes.

Cake Pisang Coklat ketan hitam
200 gr margarin
80 gr gula pasir halus (original:125gr)
150 gr pisang cavendish, haluskan
4 butir telur
75 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
25 gr coklat bubuk
100 gr tepung ketan hitam
1 sdt baking powder
Cara Membuat
1. Panaskan oven 180'C. Siapkan loyang tulban 20-22 cm / loyang 10 x 22cm, oles margarin dan taburi dengan sedikit coklat bubuk.
2. Campur dan ayak, tepung terigu, coklat bubuk, tepung ketan hitam dan baking powder. Sisihkan
3. Kocok margarin dan gula pasir halus hingga lembut. Tambahkan kuning telur satu persatu bergantian dengan sebagian campuran tepung. Kocok hingga rata.
4. Masukkan pisang, kocok rata dengan mixer kecepatan rendah. Tambahkan sisa tepung dan teruskan mengocok hingga rata.
5. Kocok putih telur hingga mengembang, kemudian masukkan secara bertahap ke adonan step 4 tadi. aduk sampai rata.
6. Tuang ke dalam loyang dan oven selama kurang lebih 40 menit atau hingga matang. Angkat dan biarkan hangat kemudian potong-potong sesuai selera.

Resep diadaptasi dari blog catatan-nina. Terima Kasih Bunda Nina atas resepnya :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cake Pandan

Good Morning
Soft, fluffy and light pandan cake

simple but still taste great
just slightly spread some nutella or buttercream topped with cheddar cheese
it's so yummy

Cake Pandan
2 whole eggs
1 egg yolk
50 gr sugar
1/2 tsp emulsifier
50 gr all purpose flour
1 tbsp cornstarch
1/2 tbsp milk powder
1/8 tsp baking powder
80 gr butter,melted
2 drop of pandan paste
1. sieve together flour,cornstarch, milk powder and BP. set aside
2. Beat egg and sugar with high speed mixer until light, thick and fluffy
3. Add sifted flour mixture into the batter. you can fold with spatula to combine it well or using mixer with low speed
4. Fold in melted butter along with pandan paste. fold until well combined. don't over mix it
5. Pour in lined & greased pan (16x16cm), slightly tap the pan to release the air bubble.
6. Baked at preheated 170'C oven for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown

Cake Pandan
2 butir telur
1 kuning telur
50 gr gula pasir
1/2 sdt tbm
50 gr tepung terigu
1 sdm maizena
1/2 sdm susu bubuk
1/8 sdt baking powder
80 gr margarin/butter
2 tetes pasta pandan
Cara membuat 
1. ayak bersama terigu, maizena, susu bubuk dan BP, sisihkan
2.kocok gula dan telur hingga putih, kental dan mengembang
3.masukkan campuran tepung yang sudah diayak, mixer dengan kecepatan rendah sebentar sampai rata.
4. masukkan lelehan mentega, aduk rata dengan spatula, kemudian masukkan pasta pandan dan aduk kembali sebentar saja sampai rata
5. Tuang di loyang 16x16cm yang sudah dialasi kertas roti dan diolesi mentega. Panggang dengan suhu 170'C selama kurleb 25-30 menit

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Chicken Floss Roll Cake - Bolu Gulung Abon (Highly Recomended)

This chicken floss roll cake is my current favorite cake for breakfast.
it is not to savory and not sweet also.
The fragrance of green onion and red chili really good, kinda like having pizza :p
like it... like it.. so mucchhh
the recipe for the sponge cake is same as my cheesy roll cake

Chicken Floss Roll Cake
1 sponge cake, 26x26cm
(omit the chocolate decoration on top, and sprinkle some chopped green onion, red chili and sesame seeds before put the cake into the oven)
3 tbsp mayonnaise + 1.5 tbsp sweet condensed milk, mix well
Chicken floss, as much as you want
Once the sponge cake cold down, spread some mayonaise and sprinkle the chicken floss, the roll it tightly with baking paper and left it set for a while. Cut into piece and enjoy

Bolu Gulung abon
1 sponge cake, uk 26x26cm
(ganti dekorasi coklat diatas cake "bolu gulung keju" dengan taburan daun bawang, cabe merah besar yang diiris tipis-tipis dan wijen)
3 sdm mayonnaise + 1.5 sdm susu kental manis, aduk rata
Abon ayam,jumlahnya sesuai selera .
Setelah cake dingin, olesi dengan mayonnaise dan taburi dengan abon, sisakan 1 cm di ujung (jgn ditaburi abon) agar cake nya bisa melekat dengan baik. Gulung sambil dipadatkan dengan bantuan kertas roti. dan biarkan set sebentar baru dipotong

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Light and Spongy Banana Cupcake

Good Morning :)
its banana series
I will post several cake recipe which use banana
Here is my previous cake recipe using banana
Banana Chiffon cake
Spongy banana cake

I really like the light and airy texture of this banana sponge cupcake
Like to have one or two cupcake for breakfast. Yummy
Recipe adapted from nasilemaklover site.
I do reduce the sugar amount to suit my liked and halved the recipe and i got about 7 cupcake

Banana Cupcake
2 large eggs
40 gr caster sugar (original 60gr)
90 gr ripe banana
80 gr cake flour
1/4 tsp Baking powder
1/8 tsp Baking soda
50g Corn oil

1. Preheat oven to 160C.
2. Sieve flour, baking powder & soda together. Sieve twice & set aside.
3. Beat cold eggs, sugar and banana at max speed in a mixer till thick and stiff
4. Fold in flour & mix well. (you may use hand mixer at lowest speed to mix)
5. Add in corn oil & fold with spatula till batter is shiny & flowing.
6. Pour into cupcake liners for about 90% full. Bake for 25mins or until golden brown 

Cupcake Pisang
2 butir telur
40 gr gula halus
90 gr pisang, haluskan
80 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
1/4 sdt Baking Powder
1/8 sdt Baking soda
50 gr minyak sayur
Cara Membuat
1. Panaskan oven di suhu 160 degC, siapkan case cupcake
2. Ayak tepung, BP dan BS menjadi satu, ayak dua kali
3. Kocok telur(yang baru keluar dari kulkas), gula dan pisang hingga kental, putih dan mengembang dengan mixer kecepatan tinggi
4. Masukkan tepung dan aduk rata, bisa juga menggunakan mixer kecepatan rendah
5. Masukkan minyak dan aduk rata dengan menggunakan spatula
6. Tuang ke dalam cupcake case hingga 90% penuh. panggang selama kurleb 25menit atau sampai kecoklatan

Friday, October 16, 2015

Banana Ogura Cake

Banana Ogura Cake 
20 cm round tin
5 egg yolks + 1 whole egg
60g corn oil
90 g mashed banana
1/4 tsp Salt
80g Cake flour
5 Egg whites
1/4 tsp Cream of tartar
80g Sugar
Some cocoa powder for topo map pattern
1. Whisk egg yolks, 1 whole egg and corn oil until frothy then add banana and mix well. 
2. Sift in the flour and salt and mix again until well combined. Set aside while you prepare the meringue.
3. Using an electric mixer, whisk egg white, cream of tartar and castor sugar until firm peaks formed.
4. Mix 1/3 of meringue with yolk batter with a handwhisk.  Add another 1/3 portion and fold gently with the whisk. Then pour in balance of meringue. Fold gently using a spatula until no more streaks of meringue can be seen.
5. Pour batter into prepared pan and tap pan lightly to remove air bubbles.
6. Bake in a water bath for 70 minutes at 160°C. Remove from oven and unmould as soon as you can.

Recipe adapted from Jeannietay site.

Banana Ogura Cake 
loyang bulat - 20 cm
5 kuning telur
1 butir telur
60 ml minyak sayur
100 gr pisang, haluskan
80 gr tepung terigu
1/4 sdr garam

5 putih telur
80 gr gula halus
1/4sdt cream tar2

coklat bubuk, untuk taburan
1. Kocok kuning telur + 1 butir tlur dan minyak dgn whisker sbntr saja
2. Masukkan pisang halus, aduk rata
3. Masukkan tepung & garam aduk hingga rata dgn whisker, sisihkan
4. Kocok putih telur dan cream tar2 hingga stgh mengembang tmbhkn gula. Kocok hingga hard peak
5. Campurkan adonan putih telur dngn 3 tahap ke dalam adonan kuning telur
6. Tuang ke loyang bulat 20cm (alasi dgn kertas baking olesi dgn butter sekelilingnya) oven dgn metode steam bath dgn suhu 170degc selama 60 mnt

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Puding Sedut

Recipe from azlitamasammanis blog, i only make half recipe about 4 bottle 100ml pudding cup and 2 bottle 200ml pudding cup.

Puding Sedut
1/2 tsp agar agar powder
500 ml water
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup coffeemate creamer
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
some food coloring
1. Mix all the ingredients in the pan except food coloring, stir and let it boil
2. Divide the batter into 3 portion (mine is green, pink and yellow), you may only make one flavor / two flavor.
3. Pour the 1st color into the pudding cup and let it chill in freezer for 30 minutes, then pour in the second flavor and let it chill in freezer for 30 minutes.
4. Lastly pour in the last color pudding and let it set and chill in fridge not freezer.

It is easy right? Drink this Pudding sedut or slurping pudding by straw.. Really suitable for who like creamy stuff. Creamy yet fragrance! Not suitable for me, I only can take half bottle one time..

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Chocolate Cheesecake 'Baked'

Mini chocolate baked cheesecake, taste creamy and chocolaty
Pretty yet scary look for this doggy decorate it with oreo and chocolate chips

Too Bad, mine cracked a lot because i over baked it and don't control the temperature thoroughly

Recipe from Angela Chia<--- click there for the recipe

Friday, October 9, 2015

Tokyo Banana

I like this cake, especially enjoy it while chill..
The banana cream is really good
I am my pandan roll cake sponge cake as for this recipe, kindly click here for the recipe

And for the banana cream is from ochikeron in youtube.

Tokyo Banana
Sponge Cake
60ml milk
50ml corn oil
10g sugar
pinch of salt
50g cake flour (sifted)
10g corn flour
3 eggs yolk
3 eggs white
35g sugar
1 tsp lemon juice
1. Whisk ingredients A- pandan juice, corn oil, sugar and salt until sugar dissolve.
2. Add in sifted flour, continue to whisk. Then, add egg yolks, stir to combine.
3. In other bowl, beat egg white,sugar and lemon juice until soft peak form.
4. Take 1/3 of egg white and use a hand whisk to mix into egg yolk batter.
5. Fold in the balance egg white with a spatula till well combine.
6. Gently pour the batter into lined baking tin (26x26cm). Smooth out to the corners with a scraper.
7. Bake in preheated oven at 180c for 20 minutes.
8. Once the cake done, transfer the cake to wire rack & invert the cake and gently remove the baking paper.Banana Custard Cream
Net 100g banana
1 egg
1 tbsp. corn starch
3 tbsp. granulated sugar
150ml milk
1. In a bowl, mash banana with a fork then add A and mix well.
3. Strain the mixture through a sieve into a saucepan.
4. Put on low, stir constantly, and stop the heat when the cream starts to thicken. Mix well with the remaining heat. If you like, add a few drops of vanilla extract. Leave to cool completely.
5. Transfer the cream into a pastry bag. Chill in the fridge.

For how to roll the cake and making into banana shape kindly watch  ochikeron youtube video.
Tokyo Banana
Bahan Sponge Cake
60ml susu
50ml minyak sayur
10g gula halus
sejumput garam
50g tepung terigu, ayak
10g tepung maizena
3 kuning telur
3 putih telur
35g gula halus
1 sdt air jus lemon
Cara membuat:
1. Dengan menggunakan whisker dalam satu wadah aduk jus pandan, minyak, gula dan garam hingga tercampur rata
2. masukkan tepung terigu, maizena lanjutkan aduk, kemudian masukkan kuning telur dan aduk hingga rata
3. Di wadah yang lain kocong putih telur dan air lemon hingga agak mengembang kemudian masukkan gula dan kocok hingga kaku
4. Campurkan adonan putih telur ke kuning telur dan aduk dengan teknik aduk balik sampai tercampur baik
6. Tuang adonan ke 2 buah loyang 22x22cm yang sudah dialasi kertas (tidak perlu diolesi)
7. Panggang dalam oven yang sudah dipanskan terlebih dahulu di suhu 180'C selama kurleb 15-20 menit
Custard Cream
100 gr pisang, haluskan
1 butir telur
1 sdm maizena
3 sdm gula halus
150ml susu
Campur semua bahan, aduk rata dan kemudian disaring. kemudian masak sambil terus diaduk di kompor dengan api sedang sampai adonan agak mengental. Biarkan agak dingin, kemudian masukkan ke kantong segitiga dan dinginkan di kulkas

Setelah cake matang, potong jadi 4 bagian, kemudian taruh selembar cake diatas cling wrap, beri isisan custard cream, gulung sambil dipadatkan. lalu bungkus dengan cling wrap tersebut dan simpan di dalam kulkas selama kurleb 1 jam agar bentuknya set