Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tofu Spring Roll and Tofu Ball

I am making this for my lunchbox. it quite easy and can be stock at your freezer
Just thawing it and fry. Really a good solution for cooking in the busy morning
It taste good, soft inside and crunchy outside.

Taste more good while serving hot for the tofu spring roll. So, I suggest to make tofu ball for lunchbox and tofu spring roll for snacking food at home.

Tofu Ball
2 pcs tofu (8x8cm) briefly boiled
50 gr minced chicken
1/2 carrot, chopped
½ onion, chopped
1 gloves garlic
one egg
3 tbsp all purpose flour
sugar, salt and pepper, to taste
1. Wrap the tofu with kitchen towel, mashed and squeezed out the water from the tofu as much as you can
2. Put the tofu in a bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix well.
3. Make a flat small round shape tofu (like burger patty) and deep fry until both side are golden brown.
4. Ready to serve

Tofu Spring Roll
One  recipe of tofu ball ( change the 3tbsp of all purpose flour to 1.5 tbsp)
10-15 small instant spring roll pastry
Step 1 and 2 are same with tofu ball
3. Take one pieces of spring roll skin then put 1 tbsp of the tofu filling. wrap and roll it out.
4. Fry in the hot oil until golden brown.
5. Ready to serve

Perkedel Tahu & Lumpia Tahu
Sumber: diah-didi kitchen
2 buah tahu, rebus sebentar
50gr daging ayam cincang
2 sdm wortel, chopped
½ buah bawang bombay, cincang halus
1 siung bawang putih
1 butir telur
3 sdm tepung terigu
gula, garam dan merica secukupnya
Cara Membuat
Bungkus tahu dengan handuk/tisu dapur, remas-remas sambil diperas sedikit agar air dari tahu bisa keluar.
Letakkan tahu di mangkuk besar, campurkan bahan2 lainnya aduk rata
Bentuk bulat pipih, lalu goreng dalam minyak panas sampai matang kecoklatan
* untuk lumpia tahu, sediakan 10-15 lembar kulit lumpia siap pakai ukuran kecil. dan kurangi 3 sdm tepung menjadi 1.5 sdm saja. Kemudian, ambil selembar kulit lumpia beri isi secukupnya kemudian bungkus dan gulung. Rekat kan ujungnya dengan sedikit larutan tepung. Goreng hingga kecoklatan.

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