Roll Cake ( Bolu Gulung Selai Nanas )
5 eggs yolk
5 eggs white
100 grams of granulated sugar , divided into 2 parts
1 tsp vanilla essence
60 grams all-purpose flour
Powdered sugar for dusting
100 grams of pineapple jam to spread
How To Make:
1. Pre-Heat Oven,set temperature 160 Celsius. Grease your cake pan with some butter then put baking paper and grease baking paper with some butter.
2. Prepare a mixing bowl , put egg whites and beat until foamy. Sprinkle half of the sugar into beaten egg whites. Beat again until stiff and look glossy.
3. Add egg yolks into a separate bowl, add half of the sugar and vanilla essence.Beat at high speed until pale, thick and fluffy, about 5 minutes .
4. Reduce the mixer speed to be the most low , put the flour gradually using a tablespoon . Whisk until well blended
5. Add beaten egg yolks into the egg white mixture , stir until well blended use spatula.
6. Pour batter into cake pan and bake for 15 minutes.
7. Remove cake from pan , Sprinkle cake top with powdered sugar, so that the cake does not stick when we rolled.
8. Roll the cake while pressing it. in order for dense.
9. Let the cake to cool then spread jam. Then roll back.
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