I've been silent reader to various food blog since some time ago. Really inspiring and motivating me for try cooking and baking also learn some food photography.. okay, this weekend i try to bake my first bread. after browsing many recipe from many blog. i decide to make simple one from this blog. Bread with trussel topping and fill with strawberry jam i bought from supermarket and another chocolate jam that i homemade. For homemade chocolate jam recipe click here.
Quite satisfied with my first attempt to make this bread, the bread come out soft but a lil bit dry. but my mom said not so smooth, maybe i need to knead the dough more.
Bread with Trussel Topping
Trussel topping :
20 gr butter ( mentega )
20 gr castors sugar ( gula halus )
30 gr all purpose flour (tepung terigu protein sedang)
Bread :
200 gr bread flour (tepung terigu protein tinggi)
50 gr all purpose flour
1 egg
70 gr butter
70 gr granulated sugar ( gula pasir )
100 ml milk ( susu UHT cair )
1 tbs milk powder ( susu bubuk )
1 tbs dry yeast (ragi instan)
How to Make:
1. Add all trussel ingredients in a small bowl, mix with your fingertips until granulated. Put aside.
2. Combine flour, yeast, milk powder and sugar. Mix well with whisker
3. Add eggs, butter and milk. Knead until the dough becomes smooth (not sticky when you touch).
4. Put the dough into a light buttered bowl. Let the dough rise in a warm place until double in size ( 45 minutes )
5. Take the dough out of the bowl, deflate by touch it lightly. Divide the dough into 30 grams each. i make about 18 - 20. and rest them to rise again about 20 minutes
6. Using a rolling pin to roll the dough into rectangle shape. Put jam in middle then roll up. cut bread surface with 45 degrees.
7. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Let the dough rise until almost double in size, brush with egg wash. Bake for 15 minutes then reduce the temperature to 160°C and bake for 5 minutes more or until the bread are golden brown.
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