Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Oatmeal Cookies

I make this cookies for snacking before and after gym. all of us know that oat is good for health. Rather than we buy package oat biscuit at supermarket. why not we try to make at home. Here the recipe.

Oat Cookies (2)

Oat Meal Cookies

Oat CookiesIngredients:
225gr margarine
80 gr palm sugar
40 gr white sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence
½ cup (60 gr) all purpose flour
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp baking powder
3 1/2 cups oatmeal 280gr, blend half

How to make:
1. Sift together flour, cinnamon powder, baking powder. Put aside
2. Beat butter, sugar, egg and vanilla essence until light
3. Add flour mixture. Mix well.
4. Add oatmeal. mix well
5. Place in refrigerate about 30 minute or until it form
6. Scoop batter to baking pan which already brush or spray with some butter
7. Slightly press the cookies to reduce the thickness
8. Bake in oven with 190 celcius temperature around 15 minutes.
9. Store in airtight container.


  1. Hi, saya sudah coba resep ini, cuman pas waktu cookies nya sudah siap dibuat dan mau masukin ke oven cookies nya meleh, tidak bisa berbentuk, kenapa ya ?? dan disimpan di kulkas itu harus diatas kulkas apa dibawah kulkas ya ? harus sampai adonannya keras ya ?? mohon advicenya, thanks ..

    1. Hi juga.. disimpan di kulkas bawah aja sampai adonannya set mudah dibentuk. biasanya sekitar 20-30 menit saja. kalo susah dibentuk mungkin bisa coba menggunakan sendok, disendokin ke loyang sambil dirapiin bentuk bulat, dan dipipihkan dengan garpu (garpunya dilapisi sedikit tepung biar tidak lengket). semoga bisa membantu ya.


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