Sunday, August 9, 2015

Onion Cheese Pie

As i have some leftover pastry dough from making Chicken Pot Pie this morning, i used it to make some onion cheese pie.

I never try savory pie / tart before, and looking forward for great new taste. but, it quite disappoint me, this onion cheese pie is just to cheesy for me but my brothers say it is okay as he is cheese lovers.

Probably, i wont making this onion cheese pie again, but i still posted the recipe here

maybe different people make it will get different result or maybe some others cheese lover or savory pie lovers will love it and for my kitchen notes.

Onion Cheese Pie

Source: momylicious
Make about 7 pcs of small tart
For the crust recipe please refer to here or here
1/3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 green onion, thinly chopped
1 tbsp onion, chopped
1 medium egg
1 tbsp milk
30 gram cheddar cheese, grated
a pinch of salt
some pepper

1. Heat oil, saute the onion and green onion about 1 minute. turn off the heat, and set aside
2. Beat the egg until fluffy,add in milk/cream cheese continue beat.
3. Add in cheese and sauteed onion, salt and pepper, mix well
4. Pour the filling into each pie, sprinkle with some grated cheddar cheese
5. Bake at preheat oven 180degC for 20-25 minutes


  1. jiah...keren..keren fotonya.....
    serius jadi ngiler banget lihatnya...kamera baru neh? he he he...

    1. msh pake kamera hp nih mba, cmn baru ngeh mesti foto di outdoor pas pagi / sore hari, jd lightingnya agak bagusan. sama skr uda tau lah edit2 foto dikit2

  2. ih kalau saya bakal suka neh mba dengan pie begini, masih ada ga....hayo kirim ke batu aji aja..he he he


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