Saturday, August 1, 2015

Xiao Long Bao - No Recipe

Quite a few months ago, i am trying making xiao long bao, i am curios of this kind dumpling which have a soup inside. i found a few easy xiao long bao recipe from many food blog both domestic or foreign food blog, my keyword when i was searching is easy xiao long bao. so i combine few recipe for making the skin, filling and pudding stock.

I can say my first attempt for this xiao long bao is quite a failure, the outside skin is too dry, for the filling i can't stuff a lot of pudding stock inside. i got trouble with the pudding stock while i am using gelatine and some chicken stock it melts fast in room temperature. so my xiao long bao doesn't have soup inside when xiao long bao is typical soup dumplings or soup inside the dumplings.

Despite of all trouble while making xiao long bao, the filling is very delicious. Really, we finish it as soos as its cooks.
Pardon me, i am not sharing any recipe here because i don't think i already find a good recipe to make xiao long bao. any of you have a good xiao long bao recipe and tips for making good xiao long bao recipe? Mind sharing? hehehe


  1. tapi kliatannya tetap enak tuh mba Vika...
    aku juga dari dulu penasaran buat ini, secara ada teman chinese bilang kalau xiao long bao ini enak...lihat gbr-gbr di internet kyknya memang enak..he he he..
    tapi sampai sekarang belum juga coba buat..
    eh aku coba sambal tahu tauco medan pk resep mba Vika lho, enak..serius...mantap rasanya...
    aku sudah ngelink ke sini lho...makasih ya resepnya

  2. isinya sih enak mba, cmn itu kulit nya ketebalan dan terasa banget kering nya..
    mba monic coba eksperimen xiao long bao, ntar aku tinggal copas resepnyaaa.. hohohoohohoh

    aiihh,., thank you mba monic, jalan2 ke blog nya ahh...


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